The role of communication in organisational planning and decision making

Making good decisions is essential for any organisation and communication plays a huge role in this process. In order to make accurate and timely decisions, it’s important communication is effective and data is accurately aligned. This means that everyone involved in the decision-making process has access to the necessary and relevant information, and can see the big picture clearly. Who has decision-making responsibility for what areas, is also something that needs to be distinctly established within the organisation and communicated effectively.

How aligned data and information when communicated clearly can lead to efficient decision making

Making decisions can be difficult, especially when there is a lot of data and information to consider from a range of sources. An automation approach to data and reporting can make it easier to see what’s important and requires immediate attention and action to be taken, and what should be deferred to a decision-making meeting and collaborative process. When a central system is in place to align data it’s so much easier for everyone involved in decision-making to access the information they need, when they need it.

Streamlined processes and an alignment of data mean that when the time comes to make decisions, they’re going to be made efficiently and effectively, with as little disruption to business operations as possible.

In a recent interview, LightArc’s Ashley How was discussing this concept and the complex relationship between communication and decision-making within an organisation. In fact, according to How, there are multiple facets of communication that come into play and need to be considered.

aligned data communication

Effective communication of data enables better decision Making

Firstly, you must have effective communication in order to inform decision-making and this requires being able to draw information and data from different areas and providing it to people with authority and responsibility to act on it.

Improved communication ensures proper implementation

Secondly, communication is also key to executing the strategic decisions that have been made and getting them supported and rolled out throughout the organisation. And then there’s a maintenance component surrounding any decision which requires follow-up communication once any strategy or action has been determined.

Prompt reporting communication is essential for monitoring

And lastly, communication plays a vital role in monitoring and reviewing the decisions that have been made, to ensure they’re still relevant and having the desired effect. If not, then further communication will be required in order to make necessary changes.

How efficient is your data communication?

It’s evident that communication is a vital component of successful decision-making within any organisation. When done well, communication can help to ensure accuracy, timeliness, and efficiency – all things that are essential for any business to thrive. To learn more about how LightArc can assist with communication and data alignment within your organisation, get in touch with us today. We’d be more than happy to help you streamline your decision-making processes and communication strategy.

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